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Allergy Research Group(ARG)

Allergy Research Group(ARG)

A Tradition of Innovation

Allergy Research Group is one of the very first allergy oriented, hypoallergenic nutritional supplement companies and was founded in 1979 by Stephen Levine, Ph.D., a biochemist from UC Berkeley. For almost 30 years, Dr. Levine has dedicated himself to the latest research and the passionate pursuit of cutting-edge nutritional supplements.

Dr. Levine and Allergy Research Group were one of the first to introduce truly hypoallergenic products to the market, and developed the very first Buffered Vitamin C product. Dr. Levine's antioxidant research is legendary in that it created a unique, broad spectrum integration of the data with a very expanded perspective, which is still one of the most sophisticated antioxidant presentations even today. This work eventually lead to Dr. Levine’s groundbreaking textbook Antioxidant Adaptation, which he co-authored with Dr. Parris Kidd in 1985. For almost thirty years, Allergy Research Group has been known for the highest quality, most hypoallergenic, and most cutting-edge nutritional supplements available, and supplies products to physicians and healthcare practitioners around the world.

Амино-кислоты (15)
Антиоксидантные формулы (14)
Биофлавоноиды (5)
Биоэнергетики (3)
Витамин B (9)
Витамин C (8)
Витамины D, E, K (8)
Гастро поддержка (15)
Гормональная поддержка (17)
Диабет и метаболизм глюкозы (3)
Иммунная поддрежка (18)
Микробиологический баланс (19)
Минералы (20)
Мультивитамины (5)
Необходимые жирные кислоты (8)
Особые продукты (28)
Поддержка метаболизма (5)
Поддержка мозга (17)
Поддержка печени (0)
Пробиотики (2)
Сердечно-сосудистая поддержка (1)
Экстракты желёз (21)

Сортировать по: наименованию (возр | убыв), цене (возр | убыв), рейтингу (возр | убыв)

L-glutamine is important for the development of enterocytes, a type of cell that is plentiful in the epithelial lining of the gastrointestinal tract. L-glutamine can help conserve muscle glycogen stores, stimulate growth hormone production, support neuronal health, and cross the blood-brain barrier where the brain uses it for fuel.* Free form amino acid, high purity, well tolerated.

US $83,49

L-lysine is an essential amino acid, important for the absorption of calcium, the formation of collagen (contained in cartilage, connective tissue, skin, hair and bone), and the production of bone tissue.* Free form amino acid, high purity, well tolerated.

US $25,05

L-methionine is an essential sulfur-bearing amino acid. In the body, it converts to L-cysteine and therefore is potentially beneficial in liver detoxification and in neutralizing toxins.* It has been shown to support healthy copper and lead serum levels.* L-methionine is considered important for liver fat metabolism, healthy skin and nails, and energy production.* Free form amino acid, high purity, well tolerated.

US $36,74

L-ornithine-L-aspartate is a key metabolite in liver function, crucial in converting ammonia to urea and glutamine, thereby supporting healthy levels of ammonia.

US $115,21

L-tyrosine is a non-essential amino acid and a precursor to adrenaline, norepinepherine, dopamine and L-dopa. These neurotransmitters are involved with mental function, mood, satiety and response to stress.* L-tyrosine is also involved in the production of thyroid hormone and the skin pigment melanin.* Free form amino acid, high purity, well tolerated.

US $36,74
US $108,54
US $83,49
US $70,84
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