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ReadySorb products are made in the United States at an FDA approved (and inspected) facility that meets strict cGMP ("current Good Manufacturing Practice") standards. ReadySorb liposome technology is patented, and our products are analyzed by an independent laboratory for stability and purity.

One of the goals of Your Energy Systems is to increase awareness of mitochondrial function and the role mitochondria play in our health. Mitochondria are found in every cell in your body, and they are your energy systems – the power houses of your cells that convert food into energy. The symbol we use as our logo represents the mitochondria.

ReadiSorb Products are distributed by Your Energy Systems. Our consulting physician, F. T. Guilford, M.D., has been using nutrient therapies for 20 years. For many of those years he has been studying the role of heavy metals and oxidative stress in clinical illness.

ReadySorb interest in glutathione stemmed from the published research that metals such as mercury cause problems by creating oxidative stress and diminishing glutathione. ReadiSorb Glutathione was developed after years of clinical observation that individuals with toxic metal overload need glutathione supplementation.

Toxins such as heavy metals lead to an increase in the production of free radicals which can damage the mitochondria and surrounding cell structures. At the same time these toxins decrease glutathione, which is needed to protect mitochondria from free radical damage.

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