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SpeechNutrients is a division of NourishLife, headquartered in Lake Forest, Illinois.  At NourishLife, we believe in doing well by doing good.

We specifically have a strong interest in addressing deficiencies in omega-3 consumption. As extensive scientific research indicates, there is insufficient consumption of vital nutrients which contributes to a large range of unfavorable health conditions. Based on our license from Children's Hospital & Research Center Oakland (CHRCO) and research by a pediatric physician, we are proud to present NourishLife speak, our proprietary product that supports normal and healthy speech development.

NourishLife believes in building businesses that are good for the planet and good for people with intertwined philanthropic goals. In so doing we are able to best serve our customers and channel part of our efforts and income towards charitable activities.
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Patented, Hypo-allergenic, Pediatrician Formulated

The only omega-3 and vitamin E speech development formula that provides the precise serving and ratio of the important nutrients needed for normal and healthy speech and coordination.

US $109,93

Patented, Hypo-allergenic, Pediatrician Formulated

The only omega-3 and vitamin E speech development formula that provides the precise serving and ratio of the important nutrients needed for normal and healthy speech and coordination.

US $278,30

Patented, Hypo-allergenic, Pediatrician Formulated

The only omega-3 and vitamin E speech development formula that provides the precise serving and ratio of the important nutrients needed for normal and healthy speech and coordination.

US $107,15

Patented, Hypo-allergenic, Pediatrician Formulated

The only omega-3 and vitamin E speech development formula that provides the precise serving and ratio of the important nutrients needed for normal and healthy speech and coordination.

US $285,26
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