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Thorne Research

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for individuals needing a multi-vitamin-mineral supplement with extra antioxidant support*

US $71,60

Some customers have noted that the multiple vitamin-mineral formulas have a strong odor. This is particularly noticeable to patients who have been taking the multiples long-term. The change in odor is due to the fact that we have (over the past year) changed from selenium picolinate to selenomethionine. While we believe selenomethionine is a superior form of selenium, it does have a bit of a sulfur smell, which is normal and does not reflect a problem with the product.

a comprehensive vitamin-mineral supplement for men over 40

US $73,82

Some customers have noted that the multiple vitamin-mineral formulas have a strong odor. This is particularly noticeable to patients who have been taking the multiples long-term. The change in odor is due to the fact that we have (over the past year) changed from selenium picolinate to selenomethionine. While we believe selenomethionine is a superior form of selenium, it does have a bit of a sulfur smell, which is normal and does not reflect a problem with the product.

A comprehensive multiple without copper and iron featuring citrate mineral chelates

US $51,28

Some customers have noted that the multiple vitamin-mineral formulas have a strong odor. This is particularly noticeable to patients who have been taking the multiples long-term. The change in odor is due to the fact that we have (over the past year) changed from selenium picolinate to selenomethionine. While we believe selenomethionine is a superior form of selenium, it does have a bit of a sulfur smell, which is normal and does not reflect a problem with the product.

a comprehensive multiple with copper and iron featuring citrate mineral chelates

US $51,28

Some customers have noted that the multiple vitamin-mineral formulas have a strong odor. This is particularly noticeable to patients who have been taking the multiples long-term. The change in odor is due to the fact that we have (over the past year) changed from selenium picolinate to selenomethionine. While we believe selenomethionine is a superior form of selenium, it does have a bit of a sulfur smell, which is normal and does not reflect a problem with the product.

A comprehensive multiple without iron and iodine featuring citrate-malate mineral chelates

US $51,21

Some customers have noted that the multiple vitamin-mineral formulas have a strong odor. This is particularly noticeable to patients who have been taking the multiples long-term. The change in odor is due to the fact that we have (over the past year) changed from selenium picolinate to selenomethionine. While we believe selenomethionine is a superior form of selenium, it does have a bit of a sulfur smell, which is normal and does not reflect a problem with the product.

a comprehensive vitamin-mineral supplement for women over 40

US $60,39

A comprehensive multiple for women of childbearing age

US $60,47

a vitamin B complex with extra B5 for adrenal support and stress management*

US $14,61
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29.04.2023 23:45:56 Акция в Puremedix подробней
10.03.2022 00:36:10 Акция марта в Puremedix подробней
28.02.2022 02:10:37 Акция конец февраля в Puremedix подробней
06.02.2022 01:48:04 Акция: Продукт и Бренды недели в Puremedix подробней
30.01.2022 01:15:46 Акция конец января в Puremedix подробней
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