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Женское здоровье

Advanced nutritional support for all the phases of a woman's life

Women have special nutritional needs, needs which change during the various stages of their lives. Thorne Research provides formulas specifically designed for women during each stage of life, from menstruation and pregnancy to menopause.

Сортировать по: наименованию (возр | убыв), цене (возр | убыв), рейтингу (возр | убыв)

the most biologically active form of folic acid*

US $23,18

for enhanced liver detoxification*

US $53,57

calcium and magnesium as the superior citrate-malate chelates

US $13,92

calcium and magnesium as the superior citrate-malate chelates

US $30,61

Containing 1,000 IU of pure vitamin D3 per capsule

US $11,07

For individuals needing high-dose vitamin D supplementation

US $19,34

For individuals needing short-term, very high-dose vitamin D supplementation

US $26,24

For individuals desiring higher amounts of vitamin D supplementation

US $20,17

To support estrogen metabolism*

US $35,62

a complete dietary supplement for pregnant and lactating women*

US $30,47

for the special needs of women during the premenstrual phase

US $22,07

strengthens blood vessels*

US $26,51

We are very happy to announce that Formula SF722 is back in stock! 

Formula SF722 has been a best-selling Thorne Research product for over 20 years and we regret not having it available for you recently. This formula is in a softgel, which is manufactured for us by a contract manufacturer that also makes other softgel products for us. Softgel manufacturing requires unique equipment and expertise, which is why there are only four softgel manufacturers in all of North America. While preparing to manufacture a batch of SF722 three months ago, quality control testing revealed the presence of pesticide residues. This was investigated and it was found that the olive oil that was to be used in the product was the culprit. The olive oil was re-sourced, the product was put back into the production schedule, it was manufactured, re-tested, and we are very pleased to have Formula SF722 available again.

undecylenic acid - potent fatty acid support of healthy gut and vaginal flora*

US $42,58


omega-3 fatty acids bound to important cell membrane phospholipids from Antarctic krill


US $72,78

for women who need nutritional support during menopause*

US $32,91

Some customers have noted that the multiple vitamin-mineral formulas have a strong odor. This is particularly noticeable to patients who have been taking the multiples long-term. The change in odor is due to the fact that we have (over the past year) changed from selenium picolinate to selenomethionine. While we believe selenomethionine is a superior form of selenium, it does have a bit of a sulfur smell, which is normal and does not reflect a problem with the product.

a comprehensive vitamin-mineral supplement for women over 40

US $60,39

A comprehensive multiple for women of childbearing age

US $60,47


a comprehensive bone-support formula*

    Factors That Can Have a Negative Effect on Bone Health:


US $23,73

Liquid vitamins D3 and K2 in a balanced formula

US $29,06

Vitamin D in liquid for easy dosing

US $15,17

a synergistic combination of ascorbic acid and citrus flavonoids

US $87,53
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